
  • 什么是 CPAP 水室?

    什么是 CPAP 水室?水室是一个可拆卸的容器,用于盛装加湿器中的水(见下图左侧的透明塑料盆)。使用加湿器可以为您带来舒适的治疗体验。通过加温和湿润您呼吸的空气,它可以帮助您防止呼吸道感染。 更多信息 "

  • 为什么我的 CPAP 需要加湿器?

    现在,大多数 CPAP 机器都包括一个完全集成的加湿器(上图是最新的瑞思迈 CPAP,带有内置加湿器)或易于连接的加湿器(下图是早期的设备,带有可拆卸的加湿器,水室已拆除)。在这篇文章中,我们将介绍加湿的好处,以及使 CPAP 治疗舒适有效的小窍门...... 更多信息 "

  • 粉红噪音如何帮助您改善睡眠?

    A good night’s sleep is important for maintaining good health throughout your entire life. Consistently waking up feeling rested and refreshed can impact everything from your physical and mental health to your overall happiness. For many, achieving a restful night of sleep can be difficult. In the United States alone, more than 40 million people … 更多信息 "

  • Doctor Looking at the Throat of a Small Child Image

    Tonsillectomies Aren’t Performed Primarily to Treat Throat Infections Anymore

    Thirty years ago, about 90% of tonsillectomies in children were done for recurrent throat infection; now it is about 20% for infection and 80% for obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). What is a tonsillectomy? A tonsillectomy is a surgical procedure to remove the tonsils. Tonsils are two small glands located in the back of your throat. … 更多信息 "

  • Goodnight Smartphone Image

    New bedtime story for adults reminds you to eliminate distractions and set the mood for a good night’s sleep.

    Reading to children has been shown increase their vocabulary and is linked with academic success, creativity and increased bonding between parents and children. Reading before bed is routine for many families as a time to slow down, quiet down and prepare for sleep. Goodnight moon, written by Margaret Wise Brown and illustrated by Clement Hurd, … 更多信息 "

  • Extremely Angry Man Shouting at the Phone Image

    为什么保险公司不支付我所需的 CPAP 用品?

    当我们的患者与我们联系,要求按通常 90 到 120 天的间隔时间订购更换用品,但他们的医疗保险公司却不支付费用时,他们会感到非常沮丧。这尤其令人为难,因为我们从最初安装时就一直在说,定期更换 CPAP 设备(如面罩、坐垫、过滤器和管道)是多么重要。您的... 更多信息 "