
  • Jaw Surgery to Cure Sleep Apnea (Guest Post)

    Many patients ask their doctors (and us) about alternatives to PAP therapy for obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). While PAP is the gold-standard for treating OSA, there are many patients who can’t tolerate it, refuse to use PAP every night or are looking for an occasional alternative to using PAP every night. In this blog series, … 更多信息 "

  • Teen Opening Fridge for Snack Image

    What to Eat Before Bed

    Sometimes, you need a before-bed snack to help quiet your stomach before nodding off for the night. But the type of foods that you choose before going to bed can affect the quality of your sleep. When you open that cupboard, you want to make sure that you’re chosing foods that are good for your … 更多信息 "

  • Insomnia: Causes, symptoms, and treatment

    Everyone has had trouble sleeping at some point in their lives. Maybe nerves about an upcoming presentation, a late-afternoon nap, or a hefty before-bed snack kept you up into the wee hours of the night. The next day probably wasn’t one of your best–maybe you felt sluggish, exhausted, and irritable.  But for insomniacs, this experience … 更多信息 "

  • Dental Device Image

    How do Dental Devices Treat Sleep Apnea?

    Do you remember having braces when you were little? Or have you ever had to wear a retainer at night? Then it will be easy for you to picture this type of sleep apnea treatment! Dental devices are appliances that are worn in the mouth during sleep to help you breathe better. Can a simple … 更多信息 "