
  • CPAP Mask for Sleep Apnea Therapy Image

    Help! I Can’t Afford CPAP. Where To Find Low-Cost or Free CPAP Machines and Supplies.

    Don’t have health insurance? Did you just find out that CPAP isn’t covered by your insurance? Are you experiencing financial hardship and need a CPAP machine or supplies? Need a backup device or a second device for traveling? Here’s a list of organizations that provide low-cost or free CPAP, APAP and bi-level machines and supplies … 更多信息 "

  • 如何检测嗜睡症?

    您知道这是一种严重的病症吗?据估计,每 3000 名美国人中就有 1 人患有嗜睡症。与这种疾病共存是非常具有挑战性的。您可能以前听说过嗜睡症,或者记得电影中某个角色歇斯底里地边走边睡着。我们最喜欢的电视爸爸荷马-辛普森在《嗜睡症》的首映式上被诊断出患有嗜睡症。 更多信息 "

  • How to Prepare Your Child for His Sleep Study.

    25-30 percent of children suffer from some form of sleep disturbance such as sleep apnea, narcolepsy, sleepwalking, bed wetting or night terrors. 2-3 percent of children have sleep apnea. While many childhood sleep issues are not cause for concern, a disturbance that reduces your child’s quality or quantity of sleep on a regular basis can lead to more … 更多信息 "

  • Sleep Duration Guidelines Image

    10 of the Most Important Things You Need to Know About Sleep

    The National Sleep Foundation is celebrating its annual Sleep Awareness Week © March 6th through March 13th, to raise awareness of the health benefits of sleep and its importance to safety and productivity. We’ve compiled a list of ten of the most important things you should know about sleep. Learn more and spread awareness about sleep … 更多信息 "