
  • Coffee Image

    When Should You Drink Your Morning Coffee?

    Why does coffee help us start the day? Caffeine is a tricky substance. To our brains, caffeine looks like adenosine, a compound consisting of adenine (one of the four building blocks of DNA) and ribose. As it is created in the brain, adenosine binds to the adenosine receptors, causing drowsiness by slowing down nerve cell activity. Caffeine is … 更多信息 "

  • Man Holding Hand over Chest Image

    CPAP 是否能挽救生命?

    A study published this month in the New England Journal of Medicine tested the effects of CPAP therapy on heart disease.  Positive Airway Pressure devices, called PAP, deliver pressurized ambient air through a delivery system (tubing and mask), to eliminate apnea events during sleep. PAP, including CPAP, BIPAP, Auto-PAP, and ASV-PAP, is the most effective treatment for … 更多信息 "

  • Lonely drunk man sleeping after a bottle of wine image


    We’ve covered the effects of using electronics before bed in several blog posts (check out the most recent one here). According to some doctors, drinking alcohol before bed may be even more disruptive to your sleep. Learn about the effects of alcohol on sleep.

  • Driving Drunk vs. High Image

    Drowsy Driving vs. Drunk Driving vs. High Driving

    It’s well known that there’s a correlation between sleeping patterns and marijuana usage. Research shows that there are some strains that work better at inducing sleepiness or lowering pain and stress symptoms. This alone makes marijuana an appealing alternative or last resort when nothing else works.  Those who are turning towards marijuana to cure insomnia, … 更多信息 "