
  • Teen Falling Asleep Doing Schoolwork Image

    Top 5 Things You Should Know About Your Child’s Sleep as the School Year Starts

    How Much Sleep Does My Child Need? The National Sleep Foundation updated their recommended sleep duration guidelines for all age groups in 2015 based on an expert panel’s comprehensive review of published scientific studies on sleep and health. Ranges are given instead of a hard number for each age group. The experts acknowledge that there is individual … 更多信息 "

  • New Study Sees Link Between Sleep Duration and Diabetes in Men

    In a new study released in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, researchers found that sleep duration is associated with insulin sensitivity and beta cell function (glucose tolerance) in healthy men. While the researchers state the that evidence is circumstantial and that this study did not show cause and effect, recent studies have shown similar decreases. More … 更多信息 "

  • 随着睡眠呼吸暂停索赔的增加,越来越多的退伍军人接受诊断和治疗

    据《今日美国》报道,自 2009 年以来,退伍军人因睡眠呼吸暂停而提出的索赔数量增加了 150% 多。据退伍军人事务部官员称,睡眠呼吸暂停报告的激增可归因于人们对这种疾病的认识不断提高。人们越来越认识到这种疾病是一种严重的健康问题,它... 更多信息 "