
  • Fireworks Noise Affects Sleep Quality Image


    With the Fourth of July rapidly approaching, we’re all looking forward to a delicious backyard barbeque, celebrating with friends and family, and especially the nighttime fireworks display. What we might not be anticipating is the late-night cacophony that these explosions and celebrations cause. Learn here how to enjoy the festivities without the fidgety night! How … 更多信息 "

  • Child Sleeping in Bed Image

    Why Do Kids Like Jahi McMath Need Surgery to Remove their Tonsils for Sleep Apnea?

    The tragic events in Oakland over recent weeks have highlighted the risks of surgery for children. Thirteen year old Jahi McMath underwent routine surgery to remove her tonsils that obstructed her airways at night. She suffered heavy bleeding and cardiac arrest on December 12, three days after complex tonsillectomy surgery. These events have ignited a debate over … 更多信息 "

  • Sleep Disorders Affecting Children; Does Your Child Need a Sleep Study?

    Sleeping disorders, once thought to plague only the aged and/or neurotic, are gaining increasing recognition for afflicting our youth. In fact, according to a poll conducted the National Sleep Foundation, two out of every three children ages 10 and under have experienced some type of sleeping problem. That’s more than a bunch of drowsy elementary-schoolers. The consequences … 更多信息 "

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    Returning to School-Night Bedtimes

    Holidays are a time of great fun for kids, when looser schedules can translate to looser rules around the house, and things like bedtimes are more negotiable. What’s tough on the whole family is readjusting to the school routine of early bedtimes and early mornings. To help transition smoothly from hectic holidays and into a … 更多信息 "