
How much do you know about the way you sleep? Advanced Sleep Medicine Services is here to serve as your resource so you can better understand the importance sleep plays in our lives, how sleep disorders impact your sleep, and what you can do to get more sleep every night. Read through these posts in The Sleep Blog to learn more about sleep.

  • Get your “Beauty Sleep”: Sleep Makes you More Attractive

    Step 1 in your new beauty routine: hit the sack earlier the night before! Research has proven that a good night’s sleep makes you look healthier, happier, and–yes–more attractive. “Beauty Sleep” isn’t just a silly cliché–it is backed up by solid evidence. This is especially important for people who suffer from sleep apnea, because studies have … 更多信息 "

  • Studying All Night Image

    How bad is pulling an all-nighter?

    Americans have more incentive to stay up all night that ever before. With social media to browse, email to check, Netflix to binge-watch and chat rooms for every subject, many people have decided that yawning a little in the morning is an acceptable price to pay for a night on the Internet. And that doesn’t … 更多信息 "

  • The Best Bedroom Color For A Good Night’s Sleep

    Everyone knows that the colors we’re surrounded by can affect our moods. Rooms with lots of soft yellow are often perceived as warm and welcoming, for example, while gray rooms are often cool and neutral. From the pastels in your kitchen to the shades in your workplace, colors affect how we interpret the ambiance of … 更多信息 "

  • Sleep Deprived Man Image


    We’re pretty sure you don’t need us to tell you about the causes of sleep deprivation. Not getting enough sleep is a prevalent, nationwide problem. Everyone has felt sleep-deprived at one point, and 1 in 5 adults regularly does not receive enough sleep1.  But what are the real effects, to your body and mind, of not … 更多信息 "

  • Close up View of Young Woman Doing Yoga Image

    Bedtime Yoga Reduces Stress, Helps You Sleep

    Stress is the enemy of a good night’s sleep. Whether you’re worried about your upcoming review at work, your car is making a funny noise, or you’re having problems with your family, stress can keep you up later than you’d like and rob you of what little rest your sleep should be giving you. One … 更多信息 "

  • Man Sleeping Image

    Which Sleep Position is Best for You?

    There are several different opinions about which sleep position is “best” for a good night’s sleep and overall health. Is it true that one sleep position is really better than all the others?  In short, the answer is not black-and-white. Each sleep position (back, front, and side) has benefits and drawbacks. Here’s our breakdown of … 更多信息 "