
  • Man Sleeping with a CPAP Mask Image

    Medicare Coverage for CPAP & Supplies

    Are you enrolled in Medicare or have patients who are? We reviewed Medicare coverage for sleep studies here. In this post, learn about Medicare Part B coverage for CPAP and other PAP therapy (Part B covers certain doctor’s services, out patient care, medical supplies and preventative services). Does Medicare cover CPAP and other PAP therapy for sleep … 更多信息 "

  • 为什么选择网络内医疗服务提供者很重要?了解事实。

    Out-of-network services: a nasty surprise ($150 vs $1,200) A study from the Kaiser Family Foundation of Americans who had trouble paying their medical bills found that 32% received care from an out-of-network provider that insurance wouldn’t fully cover and 21% of respondents did not know that their provider was out of network.  Why is it important to choose an … 更多信息 "

  • Patient Sleeping with CPAP Mask Image

    睡眠呼吸暂停患者在购买或补给设备前必须证明 PAP 达标

    If you’ve received a new PAP device to treat your sleep apnea in the past 12-18 months, you likely have a device that can be enabled to wireless transmit your usage data to your smartphone, your physician, your medical equipment provider and even your health insurance company. Why? How? What does this mean for patients and their … 更多信息 "

  • Doctor's Office Image

    Doctors, don’t lose sleep over ICD10!

    Quick Q&A and Resources Q: What is ICD10? Answer:  The International Classification of Diseases (also known by the abbreviation ICD) is the United Nations-sponsored World Health Organization’s “standard diagnostic tool for epidemiology, health management and clinical purposes.” The ICD is designed as a health care classification system, providing a system of diagnostic codes for classifying diseases, including nuanced classifications of a wide variety of … 更多信息 "