For Doctor’s Offices

  • 召回部分飞利浦 PAP 设备

    飞利浦呼吸机公司(Philips Respironics)对部分 PAP 设备实施召回,其中包括 2021 年 4 月 26 日之前生产的 DreamStation PAP 设备。 较新的 DreamStation 2 不受影响。召回与用于降低设备噪音的泡沫类型有关。随着时间的推移,机器内的泡沫可能会降解成微粒。这些... 更多信息 "

  • Narcolepsy

    How is Narcolepsy Treated?

      Narcolepsy is a rare sleep disorder, but there are a variety of options for treatment. Because of how narcolepsy impacts day to day activities, it’s incredibly important for safety and overall happiness to seek a solution to manage the disease. Although 200,000 Americans have the disease, even more, are impacted by the consequences of … 更多信息 "

  • Medicare Has Changed the Rules for Sleep Centers – We’re Ready!

    Medicare has issued new rules for sleep centers in California, Nevada and Hawaii requiring accreditation by a national accrediting body effective June 5, 2017. The new rules, announced only last month, dramatically change the landscape for sleep centers. Many sleep centers are not accredited or may not meet the accreditation standards, and for new applicants the accreditation … 更多信息 "

  • Displeased Man Image

    什么程度的睡眠呼吸暂停可获得 CPAP 保险?

    病人明显患有睡眠呼吸暂停,但其严重程度不足以让保险公司承担治疗费用。为什么?不幸的是,对于如何诊断睡眠呼吸暂停以及何时使用 CPAP 作为适当的治疗方法,存在不同的意见。主要的分歧在于医疗保险(CMS)和美国睡眠医学学会(AASM)如何定义诊断 ... 更多信息 "

  • How to Order a Sleep Study

    Sleep apnea affects more than 20 million Americans, yet most are undiagnosed and untreated. A sleep study, whether performed at-home or in a sleep center, is the most effective way to diagnose many sleep disorders, like sleep apnea. Learn about the typical requirements for ordering sleep studies. Talk to your doctor about your sleep issues … 更多信息 "