• Man Sleeping with a CPAP Mask Image

    Medicare Coverage for CPAP & Supplies

    Are you enrolled in Medicare or have patients who are? We reviewed Medicare coverage for sleep studies here. In this post, learn about Medicare Part B coverage for CPAP and other PAP therapy (Part B covers certain doctor’s services, out patient care, medical supplies and preventative services). Does Medicare cover CPAP and other PAP therapy for sleep … 更多信息 "

  • sleep education resources online

    Best Online CPAP Support Groups and Resources

    CPAP is hard. Proper education during the set-up and beyond is critical. Another key factor for success is support from your healthcare provider, family and friends, or other CPAP users (here’s our post about a study that shows patients with family support have better CPAP compliance). In this blog post we provide info about five … 更多信息 "

  • CPAP Mask for Sleep Apnea Therapy Image

    Help! I Can’t Afford CPAP. Where To Find Low-Cost or Free CPAP Machines and Supplies.

    Don’t have health insurance? Did you just find out that CPAP isn’t covered by your insurance? Are you experiencing financial hardship and need a CPAP machine or supplies? Need a backup device or a second device for traveling? Here’s a list of organizations that provide low-cost or free CPAP, APAP and bi-level machines and supplies … 更多信息 "

  • Patient Sleeping with CPAP Mask Image

    睡眠呼吸暂停患者在购买或补给设备前必须证明 PAP 达标

    If you’ve received a new PAP device to treat your sleep apnea in the past 12-18 months, you likely have a device that can be enabled to wireless transmit your usage data to your smartphone, your physician, your medical equipment provider and even your health insurance company. Why? How? What does this mean for patients and their … 更多信息 "

  • Fred’s story: “CPAP treatment has extended my life”

    Sleep apnea has been dubbed “a silent killer”: a sleep disorder that is often overlooked or unrecognized, it incurs increased risk of road accidents due to drowsiness, fatal heart disease, as well as a range of other serious health issues. Fifteen years ago, Fred was clueless to the cause of his chronic fatigue, until his concerned wife … 更多信息 "