It’s Men’s Health Month—And this One Condition Affects Men More than Women

We’ve all seen the Blondie cartoon where Dagwood is sleeping on the couch, the comical “SNNNKK” indicating that he’s snoring loudly. Maybe the joke around your house is that Dad is Dagwood because of all the noises that he makes at night, or that he’s dreaming that he’s a motorcycle or a chainsaw.

Jokes aside, snoring is no laughing matter. All too often, snoring is a direct result of sleep apnea, a disease that can become deadly if left untreated. As we mentioned in last week’s blog, June is Men’s Health Month, and the CDC listed more sleep as the number 1 way men can live healthier.

It’s no wonder the CDC would say that—as we mentioned before, inadequate sleep has been linked with a number of top killers of males in the United States, including heart disease, diabetes and accidents. However, we think there may be another reason why the CDC flagged bad sleep as a top health concern for men—men are twice as likely to have sleep apnea than women.

Men can often be reluctant to go to the doctor, but when it comes to sleep apnea, they shouldn’t avoid having a sleep test done. Besides snoring, other symptoms include persistent daytime sleepiness, mood changes, forgetfulness, insomnia, headaches and high blood pressure. If you or a loved one are experiencing a combination of these signs, it might be time to have a talk with your doctor.

Luckily, sleep apnea is treatable! If you think that you or a loved one has this condition, contact the experts at Advanced Sleep Medicine Services! We have a wide variety of options when it comes to testing for sleep apnea, from coming into our labs to testing at home.

If you are diagnosed with this condition, we have everything you need to treat it, including CPAP, BiPAP and APAP machines, as well as CPAP 面罩CPAP accessories.
