The Sleep Blog

  • Studying All Night Image

    How bad is pulling an all-nighter?

    Americans have more incentive to stay up all night that ever before. With social media to browse, email to check, Netflix to binge-watch and chat rooms for every subject, many people have decided that yawning a little in the morning is an acceptable price to pay for a night on the Internet. And that doesn’t … Read More »

  • Sleep Paralysis Image

    Is it a Ghost, or Just Sleep Paralysis?

    You’ve crawled into bed ready for a good night’s sleep. You begin to nod off, but haven’t completely fallen asleep yet. That’s when you sense something in the room near your bed. Despite your fright, you can’t cry out, run, or scream. You’re frozen with fear. This experience is known as sleep paralysis.  I Can’t Move: The … Read More »

  • Man Sleeping Image

    Which Sleep Position is Best for You?

    There are several different opinions about which sleep position is “best” for a good night’s sleep and overall health. Is it true that one sleep position is really better than all the others?  In short, the answer is not black-and-white. Each sleep position (back, front, and side) has benefits and drawbacks. Here’s our breakdown of … Read More »