The Sleep Blog

  • Camping Sunset Over Clouds Image

    Sleeping Outside and Camping with CPAP

    For me, camping is all about sleeping outside- both the challenges and the rewards. It has taken our family years of trial and error to find exactly the right sleeping arrangements (10 person tent for the 5 of us, queen-sized self-inflating air mattress, flannel sheets, heavy down comforter and kids on their own cots). Camping is … Read More »

  • Driving Drowsy vs. Driving Drunk: the Fatal Mistake Most People Make

    We all know that drinking and driving is dangerous and illegal… but did you know that driving sleepy is just as dangerous as driving drunk?  Not only do car accidents pose a serious threat for people with chronic sleep disorders such as sleep apnea, but anyone who gets behind a wheel with less than optimal rest … Read More »

  • CPAP Therapy Image

    How Often Should You Replace Your CPAP Supplies?

    Your CPAP’s accessory equipment is a lot like other frequently used health products, such as your toothbrush or a razor: it deteriorates, ceases to function optimally, and can get germy and unsanitary. Just like you wouldn’t use the same toothbrush for months on end, it’s important to replace your CPAP equipment to make sure that … Read More »