The Sleep Blog

  • AirCurve™ 10S with HumidAir Image

    Insurance Coverage for Bi-Level PAP

    PAP (positive airway pressure) therapy treats obstructive sleep apnea by delivering pressurized air into the airways to keep it open during the night while sleeping. PAP can reduce or completely eliminate sleep apnea (learn more about how PAP therapy works here). There is significant evidence that treating sleep apnea with PAP therapy improves quality of … Read More »

  • Displeased Man Image

    At What Severity Will Insurance Cover CPAP for Sleep Apnea?

    The patient clearly has sleep apnea, but it’s not severe enough for the insurance company to cover therapy. Why? Unfortunately, there are varying opinions about how sleep apnea is diagnosed and when CPAP is the appropriate therapy. Primarily, the difference is between how Medicare (CMS) and the American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM) define a diagnosis … Read More »

  • Sleep Technician Hooking up a Child for Sleep Study Image

    The Real Reason They Call it the Graveyard Shift…

    I wanted to start this week with a real warm and fuzzy post about how grateful we are for our sleep technologists. We call them night techs. Each October, the American Association of Sleep Technologists celebrates Sleep Tech Week to recognize the technologists who play a vital role in sleep centers across the country. Who performs … Read More »

  • Why Women with Sleep Apnea are Overlooked

    This is the first post in a two-part series about women and sleep apnea. The second post, The Health Hazards of Sleep Apnea in Women, looks at the causes and effects of sleep apnea in women. In this post, we investigate the differences in how women experience and report sleep issues and directly addresses the stereotype that sleep apnea … Read More »

  • Can I Smoke During My Sleep Study?

    In 2013, 17.8% of American adults reported smoking cigarettes, down from 20.9% in 2005 and 42.4% in 1956 (when the U.S. government first started keeping such records). That’s great news! But it’s really important for people who already have sleep issues to stop or reduce their smoking as smoking affects the quality of your sleep … Read More »

  • Do Acrylic Fingernails Interfere with Sleep Study

    How Will Acrylic Nails or Nail Polish Affect My Sleep Study?

    The nail industry grew to $7.47 billion in 2012. In California alone, there were almost 8,000 nail salons. Many of the patients we schedule for in-center and in-home sleep studies wear nail polish, gels or acrylics.  Our customer service department is frequently asked whether nail polish, gels or acrylics will interfere with testing. Jonathan Sherrill, RPSGT, … Read More »