Which Sleep Position is Best for You?

There are several different opinions about which sleep position is “best” for a good night’s sleep and overall health. Is it true that one sleep position is really better than all the others? 

In short, the answer is not black-and-white. Each sleep position (back, front, and side) has benefits and drawbacks. Here’s our breakdown of each sleep position so you can decide which one works for you. 

Which sleep position is best for you? 

Chosing a sleep position is really a personal matter. It depends on what health conditions you may have or are looking to avoid and what feels most comfortable. To help you choose your optimum sleep position, we’ve made a list of the pros and cons of several common positions. 

Common Sleep Positions

Sleeping on the back is the most recommended by doctors.

Pros: This option has the best positioning and support for spine and neck. It leads to fewer wrinkles in the long run because the face isn’t being pressed into your pillow.

Cons: Sleep apnea, snoring, Congestive Heart Failure, and other medical conditions can be exacerbated by too much pressure on the lungs or a restricted airflow. When this happens, the tongue sinks back into the throat and reduces air flow. Even though back sleeping is the most recommended, it doesn’t always result in the best quality of sleep. 

Side sleeping is the most common at about 60%.

Pros: The left side is best during pregnancy; it increases circulation and lessens pressure, which is good for mother and baby. The left side is also best for easing heartburn and acid reflux, and it keeps the airway open to help snoring and sleep apnea.

Cons: Left side can put pressure on stomach and lungs, or can cause arm numbness. Sleeping with an arm behind the head can adversely affect muscles and nerves and reduce blood flow to the extremity, shoulder, and neck.

Front or stomach sleeping is regarded as the worst position, but has advantages.

Pros: Sleeping on your chest can be beneficial for people who have sleep apnea or who snore frequently because gravity pulls the tongue forward, keeping it from obstructing the airway

Cons: It flattens the natural curve of the spine, which can cause lower back pain and strains the neck. It requires the use of extra pillows to sleep in a more natural contoured position.

Which sleep position should I choose? 

If you have sleep apnea or snore excssively, sleeping on your stomach may be the best option. Otherwise, A person usually wakes up in the position their body is most comfortable sleeping in. Keep doing what feels best unless recommended by a doctor, or if you are unsure of the best position for you contact us and we can assist you in finding the best sleeping experience.

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