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  • 양압기를 구입하려면 처방전이 필요한 이유는 무엇인가요?

    의사의 처방전 없이는 양압기 및 소모품을 구입할 수 없다는 사실에 놀랐을 수도 있습니다. 결국, 이를 악용하는 사람들을 위한 거대한 암시장이 있는 것도 아니니까요. 사실, 정반대로 수면 무호흡증 환자에게는 규정 준수가 큰 문제가 될 수 있습니다! 하지만 ... 자세히 보기 "

  • sleep

    In-Center Sleep Testing Isn’t As Scary As You Thought

    Many people may wonder if they have sleep apnea, but dismiss the thought because of misconceptions about sleep testing. It is estimated that 26 percent of adults between the ages of 30 and 70 have sleep apnea. And yet, many go untreated and untested. The consequences of untreated sleep apnea are serious. The ramifications can … 자세히 보기 "

  • Make a Resolution for Better Sleep

    As you find yourself caught up in the mad dash of holiday shopping, baking and traveling, somewhere in the back of your mind, you may find yourself worrying about one thing: those New Year’s Resolutions. This year, Advanced Sleep Medicine encourages to make the resolution to get more sleep. In order to get the most … 자세히 보기 "

  • Smoking and Sleep Apnea

    Sleep apnea can occur in anyone, from young children to star athletes. Certain conditions can make you more predisposed to developing it—including smoking. Since November 17th marks the Great American Smokeout, we’re going to address how tobacco effects your sleep apnea. The connection between smoking and sleep apnea. In the United States, about 18% of … 자세히 보기 "