수면 무호흡증

  • Amy Poehler and Sleep Apnea Image

    Amy Poehler writes: “Sleep helps you win at life.”

    “I slept wherever I could. Twenty minutes at lunch. During production meetings. In my car. I remember being filled with rage when childless people would talk about brunch.” Sound like you after a horrible night’s sleep? That’s the sardonic account of Amy Poehler, actress, comedian, writer, producer, and renaissance-woman-with-kids-and-sleep-apnea. You’d think celebrities could hire someone to … 자세히 보기 "

  • Girl with Question Marks over Her Head Image

    Why did my doctor refer me for a sleep study?

    Did you receive a call from a sleep center to schedule an in-center or in-home sleep study? Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) affects more than 18 million Americans. Left untreated, sleep apnea can have serious and life-shortening consequences: high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, automobile accidents caused by falling asleep at the wheel, diabetes or depression. … 자세히 보기 "

  • 트럭 운전자는 수면 무호흡증 검사를 받아야 하나요?

    지난달 코미디언 트레이시 모건이 심각한 부상을 입은 교통사고로 인해 트럭 운전자의 졸음운전에 대한 심각한 안전 문제가 다시금 주목받고 있습니다. 수면의 질을 떨어뜨리고 졸음을 유발하는 건강 질환인 수면 무호흡증이 있는 운전자의 경우 사고 위험은 더욱 커집니다.

  • Two Beds with Pillows Image

    Treating Sleep Apnea Makes You Better in Bed

    Research you can’t ignore: Untreated sleep apnea increases erectile dysfunction in men and loss of libido in women. Treating sleep apnea can improve sexual function and sexual desire in men and women. We know that lack of sleep, daytime sleepiness, restlessness and snoring can put a strain on relationships. With as many as 20 million Americans … 자세히 보기 "