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  • Toilet Image

    Is Urinating at Night a Sign of a Sleep Disorder?

    here are few things more annoying than waking up at night, warm and comfortable in your bed, with the overhwelming need to use the restroom. By the time you get back to bed, after stumbling to the bathroom, turning on the lights, and flushing the toilet, there’s no chance of you getting back to sleep.  … 자세히 보기 "

  • Insomnia: Causes, symptoms, and treatment

    Everyone has had trouble sleeping at some point in their lives. Maybe nerves about an upcoming presentation, a late-afternoon nap, or a hefty before-bed snack kept you up into the wee hours of the night. The next day probably wasn’t one of your best–maybe you felt sluggish, exhausted, and irritable.  But for insomniacs, this experience … 자세히 보기 "

  • Sleep Problems Lead to Drug and Alcohol Abuse

    Sleeping disorders are very common among adults with alcohol and drug abuse problems. In the past, many addiction specialists have just assumed that the substance abuse is causing the sleep disorder–after all, drugs and alcohol are well-known sleep disruptors. However, scientific studies are finding that sleep disorders seem to occur before substance abuse, not as … 자세히 보기 "

  • Hypersomnia Image

    Erectile Dysfunction and Sleep Apnea

    In the United States alone, 22 million people suffer from sleep apnea–a statistic so seroius that the CDC has called sleep disorders a “public health epidemic“. At the same time, an estimated 18 million American men struggle with erectile dysfunction. Now, the medical community is coming to realize is that the prevalence of these two … 자세히 보기 "