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  • 기업 문화에서의 수면: 수면 제한은 고용주와 직원 모두에게 좋지 않습니다.

    과로하고 고도의 집중력을 발휘하는 직원은 미국 문화에서 반복되는 전형입니다. 우리 사회에서 가장 미화된 직업인 의사, 변호사, 투자은행가는 장시간 근무와 충분한 수면 부족으로 악명이 높습니다. 우리 텔레비전 방송국은 응급실 의사나 형사 변호사의 급박하고 흥미진진한 삶을 낭만적으로 묘사하는 쇼로 가득 차 있지만, 그 외의 직업은 완전히 경시합니다. 자세히 보기 "

  • Get your “Beauty Sleep”: Sleep Makes you More Attractive

    Step 1 in your new beauty routine: hit the sack earlier the night before! Research has proven that a good night’s sleep makes you look healthier, happier, and–yes–more attractive. “Beauty Sleep” isn’t just a silly cliché–it is backed up by solid evidence. This is especially important for people who suffer from sleep apnea, because studies have … 자세히 보기 "

  • Hollywood Actress Dies From Sleep Apnea: What to Take Away

    Amanda Peterson, star of the 80s classic Can’t Buy Me Love, passed away earlier this month. The actress began her career in 1982 with her role as an orphan in “Annie” and a few other jobs before finding her break-out role opposite Patrick Dempsey. Though she had cut back on acting by 1994, Amanda did not … 자세히 보기 "

  • Hypersomnia Image

    Hypersomnia: Constant Sleepiness

    In a country where a full 1/5 of adults do not get enough sleep, being tired sounds like the norm! In our last post, we talked about the dangers of sleep deprivation. But what if you’re still tired despite the fact that you’re sleeping enough, or even more than normal? This condition of being constantly sleepy and perhaps … 자세히 보기 "

  • Sleep Paralysis Image

    Is it a Ghost, or Just Sleep Paralysis?

    You’ve crawled into bed ready for a good night’s sleep. You begin to nod off, but haven’t completely fallen asleep yet. That’s when you sense something in the room near your bed. Despite your fright, you can’t cry out, run, or scream. You’re frozen with fear. This experience is known as sleep paralysis.  I Can’t Move: The … 자세히 보기 "