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How much do you know about the way you sleep? Advanced Sleep Medicine Services is here to serve as your resource so you can better understand the importance sleep plays in our lives, how sleep disorders impact your sleep, and what you can do to get more sleep every night. Read through these posts in The Sleep Blog to learn more about sleep.

  • Teen Opening Fridge for Snack Image

    What to Eat Before Bed

    Sometimes, you need a before-bed snack to help quiet your stomach before nodding off for the night. But the type of foods that you choose before going to bed can affect the quality of your sleep. When you open that cupboard, you want to make sure that you’re chosing foods that are good for your … 자세히 보기 "

  • Sleep Problems Lead to Drug and Alcohol Abuse

    Sleeping disorders are very common among adults with alcohol and drug abuse problems. In the past, many addiction specialists have just assumed that the substance abuse is causing the sleep disorder–after all, drugs and alcohol are well-known sleep disruptors. However, scientific studies are finding that sleep disorders seem to occur before substance abuse, not as … 자세히 보기 "

  • Amy Poehler and Sleep Apnea Image

    Amy Poehler writes: “Sleep helps you win at life.”

    “I slept wherever I could. Twenty minutes at lunch. During production meetings. In my car. I remember being filled with rage when childless people would talk about brunch.” Sound like you after a horrible night’s sleep? That’s the sardonic account of Amy Poehler, actress, comedian, writer, producer, and renaissance-woman-with-kids-and-sleep-apnea. You’d think celebrities could hire someone to … 자세히 보기 "

  • CDC Declares Sleep Disorders a Public Health Epidemic

    If you have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep, or if you find yourself nodding off during the day, you’re not alone.  According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), sleep disorders are so pervasive in the United States that they now constitute a public health epidemic.  Research conducted by the CDC indicates that … 자세히 보기 "

  • Kermit's Dog Image

    Sleeping with Pets: Has the Quality of Your Sleep Gone to the Dogs?

    Feeling tired, sapped of energy, and constantly ready to fall asleep? Are you irritable, unable to concentrate and have trouble completing simple tasks…but can’t figure out why? If you don’t have sleep apnea or restless leg syndrome, your spouse doesn’t snore or there are no outside influences disrupting your sleep, then sleeping with pets could … 자세히 보기 "

  • Snoring and Sleep Apnea Diagram Image

    코를 골면 어떻게 할까요? 코골이와 수면 무호흡증의 연관성

    Snoring is very common; in fact, 1 in 3 Americans do it! Sometimes snoring is perfectly normal and innocuous—but at others, it can point to a potentially life-threatening sleep disorder. Snoring is one of the most obvious symptoms of sleep apnea, a serious condition that can cause everything from heart trouble to memory loss. In … 자세히 보기 "