수면 연구의 유형

If you believe you have an undiagnosed sleep disorder, a sleep study from Advanced Sleep Medicine Services, Inc. can help. Sleep studies are convenient and comfortable, and are regularly used to help diagnose the more than 40 million Americans currently living with a sleep disorder. At ASMS, we offer many different sleep studies and use state-of-the-art technology, ensuring you’ll be accurately diagnosed and provided with the treatment you need to start sleeping normally and waking up refreshed.

The Different Types of Sleep Studies Available to You

Home Sleep Apnea Testing (HST)

CPT Code: 95806, G0399 or G0398 (based on insurance and type of testing device used)

HST is a type of diagnostic polysomnography which is self-administered by the patient in his/her home,  making it a convenient option for many adult patients whose schedules prevent them from taking an overnight in-center sleep test, or are homebound due to illness.

It is used to diagnose or rule out sleep apnea by recording breathing effort, heart rate, oxygen saturation, nasal flow and snoring. HST is a cost-effective alternative to in-center sleep testing for many patients if it is highly likely that the patient has moderate to severe sleep apnea, and if the patient has no other significant medical issues such as pulmonary diseases, neuromuscular disease or congestive heart failure. 

HST cannot be performed on children and cannot diagnose other sleep disorders such as restless leg syndrome, periodic limb movement disorder or narcolepsy. These patients should be tested in a sleep center.

Most common reason for performing this test: Suspected sleep disorder, rule out suspected sleep disorder. HST can only diagnose sleep apnea (cannot diagnose other sleep disorders) and may require follow-up in-lab study. HST does not monitor EEG (brain activity).

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In-center Polysomnography (PSG)

CPT Code: 95810 or 95782 (children under 6 years)

An in-center polysomnography (PSG) test takes place at one of our many convenient sleep center locations. These sleep centers offer all the comforts and amenities of home, including a private, comfortable room where you can relax and have a typical night’s sleep.

PSG records your brain waves, heart rate and breathing as you sleep. It also charts your eye movements, limb movements and oxygen in your blood. PSG can diagnose or rule out sleep disorders such as obstructive and central sleep apnea, restless leg syndrome (RLS) and more in adults and children.

In children, PSG may be used to diagnose or rule out suspected sleep apnea due to enlarged tonsils or adenoids; an obese child may have OSA due to excess fat around the airway.

Request Your In-Center Sleep Test Today!

CPAP Titration

CPT Code: 95811 or 95873 (children under 6 years)

A titration is a test that is used to determine your optimal positive airways pressure (PAP) settings. Proper PAP settings can eliminate most or all apnea events. It is performed when a patient has been previously diagnosed with sleep apnea through one of our sleep studies (either in-center or in-home) and have been placed on PAP the entire night.

This simple overnight test begins by choosing the right CPAP mask to suit your needs. Once selected, your mask will be connected to a CPAP machine that blows air through a tube, into your mask, and eventually into the back of your throat. Throughout your evening, your sleep technologist will change the pressure of the air coming in through your mask until the optimal PAP settings are determined. At that time, you should no longer experience periods of wakefulness throughout the night. It is recommended that you have a titration performed after changes in health, such as major weight loss or gain. 

Request Your Titration Test Today!

Split Night Polysomnography (50/50 or split)

CPT Code: 95811 or 95873 (children under 6 years)

A split night, or 50/50 test, is an in-center type of sleep test that begins with diagnostic polysomnography, to monitor your vitals and movements. Once there is enough data to show that you have sleep apnea, you will be placed on CPAP and the test switches to titration to monitor your PAP settings. This test is most commonly done to diagnose or rule out suspected sleep disorders, and can be beneficial for patients who are unable to complete two overnight in-center tests. 

Request Your Split Night Sleep Test Today!

Bi-level or BiPAP Titration

CPT Code: 95811 or 95873 (children under 6 years)

If you’ve previously been diagnosed with obstructive sleep apnea through one of our sleep studies, but have not found an optimal continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP), you should consider a bi-level titration, also known as a BiPAP. A bi-level PAP may be more comfortable for some patients with higher pressure requirements because it has two pressure settings: the prescribed pressure for inhalation (IPAP), and a lower pressure for exhalation (EPAP).

If you’ve tried CPAP, but were not comfortable with the high pressure or your apnea events were not eliminated, a bi-level sleep test might be right for you.

Request Your Bi-level or BiPAP Sleep Test Today!

Multiple Sleep Latency Test (MSLT)

CPT Code: 95805 (typically ordered with overnight polysomnography the preceding night)

MSLT  is the standard tool used to diagnose narcolepsy and excessive sleepiness that is not caused by another sleep disorder, like sleep apnea.  MSLT testing is a series of daytime naps that measures how long it takes you to fall asleep. The test is based on the idea that the sleepier people are, the faster they will fall asleep. Sleep apnea or excessive leg movements are much more likely to be the cause of excessive daytime sleepiness. Narcolepsy is rare. The four most common symptoms of narcolepsy are hallucinations, sleep paralysis, excessive daytime sleepiness, cataplexy (loss of muscle control).

Request Your MSLT Sleep Test Today!