6 Reasons Why Your CPAP Mask is Leaking

A leaky CPAP mask is a prevalent complaint among those living with sleep apnea. If you lose air pressure, hear strange noises from your CPAP mask, feel stuffed up or experience disrupted sleep, chances are you have a CPAP mask that’s not holding air like it should.

Advanced Sleep Medicine is here to help. We’ll explain the top six reasons CPAP masks malfunction, and what you can do about them.

  1. Your CPAP pressure is too high.

When you first received your CPAP machine, chances are your doctor or respiratory therapist helped configure your pressure settings. These settings may have been based on your personal sleep study. However, if the pressure amount is causing problems now, you should speak to your doctor about changing it.

  1. You toss and turn at night.

Movement during sleep can cause your CPAP mask to become loose and shift on your face, breaking the seal and causing a leak. Often, this can be remedied by adjusting the straps. We also carry CPAP masks specifically designed to help active sleepers.

  1. Your CPAP mask is needs cleaning.

When dust and oils build up on your CPAP mask, they can cause the mask’s seal to break. We recommend wiping your CPAP mask down daily with a damp cloth or a CPAP mask wipe. It’s best to supplement this by submerging it once a week in warm, soapy water. If you don’t have time for that, the SoClean is a great solution!

  1. You need to be re-fitted.

CPAP masks are like shoes—you need to be fitted for the right match as you age. See us today for a CPAP mask sizing, or check out the wide variety of CPAP masks we carry.

  1. Your CPAP mask doesn’t mirror your sleep.

There’s no right or wrong way to sleep, but your position can affect how your CPAP mask fits. For example, if you breathe with your mouth open, a nasal CPAP mask is not going to be good for you. Instead, you’ll want to use a full-faced mask. However, if you’re a side-sleeper, then a CPAP nasal mask would offer better comfort and capabilities for you.

  1. Your CPAP mask is outdated.

The seals on CPAP masks wear out over time, which in turn can prompt leakage. Expect to change your CPAP mask once every three months for a leak-free experience.

If you are still experiencing CPAP mask air leaks after trying the suggestions above, give us a call to discuss the different options for your sleep apnea treatment.

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