How much sleep do I really need?

It’s true that different people need different amounts of sleep. Some people can get by on 7 or even 6 hours per night; others need 9 or 10 to feel optimal. Sometimes, the one-size-fits-all guideline of 8 hours per night just isn’t enough to help you determine if you’re really as well-rested as you can be. So in this post, our goal is to lay down some rough guidelines for how much sleep is healthy, and how to tell that you need to be catching some more zzzs. 

Sleep Duration Guidelines

One of the main questions that comes up when talking about sleep is “How much sleep do I really need per day?” Thankfully, the 국립 수면 재단 has laid down detailed sleep duration guidelines for each age group. Here’s the breakdown: 

연령대권장 수면 시간적절할 수 있음
미취학 아동(3~5세)10~13시간8~14시간
취학 연령 어린이(6~13세)9~11시간7~12시간
고령자(65세 이상)7-8시간5~9시간

When are strict guidelines not enough?

Notice the range of times that might be appropriate for each age group. It’s not enough to use an objective number to determine if you are getting the right amount of sleep. You need to assess your own energy level and your drowsiness on a daily basis. Here are some questions you can ask yourself to see if you’re sleeping enough: 

  • Do I wake up naturally around the time my alarm clock goes off, or do I have to drag myself out of bed in the morning? 
  • 카페인이나 기타 각성제에 의존하여 기능을 수행해야 하나요? 
  • Are my sleep patterns erratic? For instance, do I muddle through on weekdays and catch up on weekends? 
  • 집중력, 흥미, 에너지 또는 기억력 부족으로 고통받고 있나요? 
  • Am I drowsy during the day? Do I tend to fall asleep in quiet situations or nod off while driving? 
  • 침대에 누우자마자 잠이 오나요? 
  • Do I have a high score on the 엡워스 졸음 척도, a common questionnaire used to assess sleepiness? 

If the answer to any of these is yes, you may need more sleep. Try to build more sleep into your schedule. Trust us: your increased energy and productivity during the day will be worth it. 

If you already sleep an appropriate amount and you still exhibit these symptoms, you may have a sleep disorder and you should speak to your doctor. 

Request a sleep study

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