The Sleep Blog

  • Winter Sleep vs. Summer Sleep: Three Differences

    Depending on where you live, you may notice major differences in how you sleep during the summer versus the winter. What causes these differences and what can you do about it to make sure your getting enough sleep all year long? Humans are wired to sleep after the sun sets and wake when it rises … Կարդալ ավելին »

  • One Trick for Not Overeating This Holiday: Get More Sleep!

    This time of year is known for its mouth-watering main courses, delectable sweets, and generous portions. With Thanksgiving behind us and the Christmas season in full swing, the temptation to overeat—or to eat treats high in fat and sugar—is looming. Surprisingly, the easiest, most stress-free way to avoid weight gain might not be exercising or … Կարդալ ավելին »

  • People on Cell Phones Image

    Use it or Lose it! Your Health Benefits May Expire at the End of the Year

    Did you know that if you don’t use all of your health insurance benefits this year, you lose them forever?  You may have met your deductible for 2016 already. If so, you can take advantage of lower (or no) out-of-pocket expenses for medical services such as sleep studies, PAP or supplies (learn about insurance coverage for … Կարդալ ավելին »

  • Resmed AirSense 10 CPAP on Nightstand Image

    “Smart” CPAP Machines for Better Sleep Apnea Treatment

    You know what a smart phone is…but what about a smart CPAP machine? On the most basic level, a PAP (positive airway pressure) machine is a medical device that blows pressurized air through the airway to prevent the throat closing during sleep apnea. But increasingly advanced technology in these machines is leading to all sorts … Կարդալ ավելին »

  • Can I drink a glass of wine (or beer) before my sleep study?

    Does a glass of wine (or beer) before bed help you sleep better at night? Just because a drink before bed can make it easier for you to fall asleep doesn’t mean that it actually helps you sleep well. Drinking alcohol can reduce the effectiveness and alter the results of your sleep study. Have you … Կարդալ ավելին »

  • Medical Marijuana for Sleep Apnea Image

    Pot: An Alternative Treatment for Sleep Apnea?

    Sleep apnea affects approximately 20 million Americans—nearly one out of every 16 people—and estimates show that sleep disorders affect over 40 million people in the United States alone. Sufferers are unable to achieve restful sleep, no matter how long they spend in bed. As a result, people with sleep apnea suffer from many negative health … Կարդալ ավելին »

  • Does Pre-Bed Video Gaming Ruin Your Sleep?

    Video gaming is something of a national pastime among teenagers in the United States. One survey found that nearly 75% of teenage boys participate in some form of gaming^1.  With so many of our  kids playing video games as a principle form of recreation, and so many of the video games being highly action-oriented and … Կարդալ ավելին »

  • Veterans Increased Risk of Sleep Disorders Image

    Veterans with PTSD are at Higher Risk for Sleep Disorders

    PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) manifests itself in many ways. The symptoms of PTSD aren’t limited to distressing memories and emotional trauma. In fact, a large body of research has shown that veterans suffering from PTSD are at increased risk for a host of sleep disorders.  The complex relationship between anxiety, breathing problems, hyperarousal, and intrusive … Կարդալ ավելին »

  • Հասկանալով ձեր քնի ուսումնասիրության արդյունքները

    If you recently had or ordered a sleep study to test for sleep apnea, the question foremost in your mind is probably what your results have to say about your sleep health or the health of your patient. However, unless you know what to look for, your sleep study report may seem more perplexing than informational. Here … Կարդալ ավելին »

  • Female Feet in Slippers Image

    How Long Does a Sleep Study Last?

    Sleep studies are performed to rule out or diagnose sleep disorders such as sleep apnea and narcolepsy. A sleep study can take place in a sleep center or in a patient’s home (learn about the difference between in-center and in-home testing here). If you have just scheduled or are planning to schedule your first sleep study, … Կարդալ ավելին »