Քնի ուսումնասիրություններ

Sleep studies are one of the most common and effective ways to diagnose sleep disorders. At Advanced Sleep Medicine Services, we specialize in providing a variety of sleep studies. We invite you to read though our blog articles so you can learn more about the types of sleep studies we offer, how you can prepare for an upcoming sleep study, and what you can expect after your sleep study has been completed.

  • Medicare Has Changed the Rules for Sleep Centers – We’re Ready!

    Medicare has issued new rules for sleep centers in California, Nevada and Hawaii requiring accreditation by a national accrediting body effective June 5, 2017. The new rules, announced only last month, dramatically change the landscape for sleep centers. Many sleep centers are not accredited or may not meet the accreditation standards, and for new applicants the accreditation … Կարդալ ավելին »

  • Do I need a new sleep study?

    I’m a CPAP User; How Often Do I Need a New Sleep Study?

    We’re asked this question on a daily basis. Usually, it’s one of the following reasons: 1. You’re a CPAP user and would like a new machine.  If your CPAP machine is more than a few years old, you may be interested in a new machine. Most insurances will cover a new CPAP every 3 to … Կարդալ ավելին »

  • Can I drink a glass of wine (or beer) before my sleep study?

    Does a glass of wine (or beer) before bed help you sleep better at night? Just because a drink before bed can make it easier for you to fall asleep doesn’t mean that it actually helps you sleep well. Drinking alcohol can reduce the effectiveness and alter the results of your sleep study. Have you … Կարդալ ավելին »

  • Հասկանալով ձեր քնի ուսումնասիրության արդյունքները

    If you recently had or ordered a sleep study to test for sleep apnea, the question foremost in your mind is probably what your results have to say about your sleep health or the health of your patient. However, unless you know what to look for, your sleep study report may seem more perplexing than informational. Here … Կարդալ ավելին »

  • Female Feet in Slippers Image

    How Long Does a Sleep Study Last?

    Sleep studies are performed to rule out or diagnose sleep disorders such as sleep apnea and narcolepsy. A sleep study can take place in a sleep center or in a patient’s home (learn about the difference between in-center and in-home testing here). If you have just scheduled or are planning to schedule your first sleep study, … Կարդալ ավելին »

  • Can I Smoke During My Sleep Study?

    In 2013, 17.8% of American adults reported smoking cigarettes, down from 20.9% in 2005 and 42.4% in 1956 (when the U.S. government first started keeping such records). That’s great news! But it’s really important for people who already have sleep issues to stop or reduce their smoking as smoking affects the quality of your sleep … Կարդալ ավելին »

  • Do Acrylic Fingernails Interfere with Sleep Study

    How Will Acrylic Nails or Nail Polish Affect My Sleep Study?

    The nail industry grew to $7.47 billion in 2012. In California alone, there were almost 8,000 nail salons. Many of the patients we schedule for in-center and in-home sleep studies wear nail polish, gels or acrylics.  Our customer service department is frequently asked whether nail polish, gels or acrylics will interfere with testing. Jonathan Sherrill, RPSGT, … Կարդալ ավելին »

  • How to Order a Sleep Study

    Sleep apnea affects more than 20 million Americans, yet most are undiagnosed and untreated. A sleep study, whether performed at-home or in a sleep center, is the most effective way to diagnose many sleep disorders, like sleep apnea. Learn about the typical requirements for ordering sleep studies. Talk to your doctor about your sleep issues … Կարդալ ավելին »

  • Home Sleep Testing vs. an In-Center Study: Which is best for you?

    Many people suffering with sleep disorders are wary of sleep testing because of the inconvenience (discomfort) of spending the night in a sleep center. In-center testing can also be cost prohibitive, especially with the rise in insurance plan co-pays and high deductibles.   Fortunately, HST—home sleep apnea testing—is providing an increasingly convenient and comfortable alternative … Կարդալ ավելին »