For Doctor’s Offices

  • How Will Telemedicine Change How Sleep Disorders are Treated?

    Telemedicine was a hot topic at this year’s Sleep conference, a joint meeting of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine and the Sleep Research Society, in Denver, Colorado. Telemedicine has been embraced by primary care physicians in rural areas who struggle to arrange for specialist consultations for their patients who have limited access due to the cost … Կարդալ ավելին »

  • Home Sleep Testing vs. an In-Center Study: Which is best for you?

    Many people suffering with sleep disorders are wary of sleep testing because of the inconvenience (discomfort) of spending the night in a sleep center. In-center testing can also be cost prohibitive, especially with the rise in insurance plan co-pays and high deductibles.   Fortunately, HST—home sleep apnea testing—is providing an increasingly convenient and comfortable alternative … Կարդալ ավելին »

  • CPAP Therapy Image

    Որքա՞ն հաճախ կարող եմ ձեռք բերել նոր CPAP մեքենա:

    Like iPhones, CPAP machines have changed a lot over the past few years. The latest models are even starting to look like Apple devices. These changes in the form and function of CPAPs serve very important purposes. (1) If a CPAP machine is more attractive and user-friendly, someone diagnosed with sleep apnea is more likely … Կարդալ ավելին »

  • Man Sleeping with a CPAP Mask Image

    Medicare Coverage for CPAP & Supplies

    Are you enrolled in Medicare or have patients who are? We reviewed Medicare coverage for sleep studies here. In this post, learn about Medicare Part B coverage for CPAP and other PAP therapy (Part B covers certain doctor’s services, out patient care, medical supplies and preventative services). Does Medicare cover CPAP and other PAP therapy for sleep … Կարդալ ավելին »

  • Getting Ready for Sleep Study Image

    Medicare Coverage for Sleep Studies

    Are you enrolled in Medicare or have patients who are? Learn about Medicare Part B coverage for sleep studies (Part B covers certain doctor’s services, out patient care, medical supplies and preventative services).

  • Textbook Image

    What do AHI, RERA, Arousal and RDI mean?

    What do these terms mean in a sleep study report? Which one is used by insurances to determine approval for CPAP therapy? Learn about the different type of respiratory events, how they are scored and what they mean for treatment options and insurance coverage of CPAP therapy.

  • Woman Sitting Next to Her Doctor Image

    Which Doctor Should I Talk to About My Sleep Problems?

    In a perfect world, you would visit your primary care doctor once a year and spend a solid hour talking about your current health. She’d ask how your family is doing, your marriage, are you getting regular exercise? Are you eating well and how are you feeling about your job? You might have a list … Կարդալ ավելին »

  • CPAP Mask for Sleep Apnea Therapy Image

    Will my Insurance Cover CPAP? Frequently Asked Questions About Coverage

    If you have a diagnosis of sleep apnea, your insurance company will probably cover the cost of your CPAP or bi-level PAP device; however, coverage varies from plan to plan and so do authorization requirements. Read more about insurance coverage below. We’ll answer the basic questions, like what will I have to pay?, rental vs. … Կարդալ ավելին »

  • Why is it Important to Choose an In-Network Provider? Learn the Facts.

    Out-of-network services: a nasty surprise ($150 vs $1,200) A study from the Kaiser Family Foundation of Americans who had trouble paying their medical bills found that 32% received care from an out-of-network provider that insurance wouldn’t fully cover and 21% of respondents did not know that their provider was out of network.  Why is it important to choose an … Կարդալ ավելին »

  • Patient Sleeping with CPAP Mask Image

    Sleep Apnea Patients Must Show PAP Compliance Before Device Purchase or Resupply

    If you’ve received a new PAP device to treat your sleep apnea in the past 12-18 months, you likely have a device that can be enabled to wireless transmit your usage data to your smartphone, your physician, your medical equipment provider and even your health insurance company. Why? How? What does this mean for patients and their … Կարդալ ավելին »