CPAP մատակարարումներ

  • Should I Pay Cash for my CPAP Machine and Supplies?

    1. You don’t have health insurance. This is a no-brainer. If you don’t have health insurance, but have sleep apnea, you will need to pay cash for your machine and supplies.  If you’re having a hard time making ends meet, check out the organizations listed in this post that offer free or low-cost CPAP and … Կարդալ ավելին »

  • Image of different types of nasal masks

    What is the Difference Between Nasal, Nasal Pillows and Full Face CPAP Masks?

    One of the most obvious and important parts of the entire CPAP rigmarole is finding the right mask. In fact, finding a mask that is comfortable and has a good seal may make a huge difference in how likely you are to succeed with CPAP therapy. Here’s a short and sweet explanation of the different … Կարդալ ավելին »

  • CPAP Therapy Image

    Որքա՞ն հաճախ պետք է փոխարինեք ձեր CPAP մատակարարումները:

    Your CPAP’s accessory equipment is a lot like other frequently used health products, such as your toothbrush or a razor: it deteriorates, ceases to function optimally, and can get germy and unsanitary. Just like you wouldn’t use the same toothbrush for months on end, it’s important to replace your CPAP equipment to make sure that … Կարդալ ավելին »

  • CPAP Mask for Sleep Apnea Therapy Image

    Help! I Can’t Afford CPAP. Where To Find Low-Cost or Free CPAP Machines and Supplies.

    Don’t have health insurance? Did you just find out that CPAP isn’t covered by your insurance? Are you experiencing financial hardship and need a CPAP machine or supplies? Need a backup device or a second device for traveling? Here’s a list of organizations that provide low-cost or free CPAP, APAP and bi-level machines and supplies … Կարդալ ավելին »

  • ResMed AirSense with Filter Image

    What is the Difference Between a Disposable CPAP Filter and a Non-Disposable or Reusable CPAP Filter?

    All PAP machines (CPAP, bi-level or BiPAP, APAPs, etc.) use a filter to clean the ambient air (fancy way of saying regular room air) before it is blown through the tubing and into your airway. Replacing the filter is the only type of maintenance that needs to be performed on your CPAP machine (not including the … Կարդալ ավելին »

  • Patient Sleeping with CPAP Mask Image

    Sleep Apnea Patients Must Show PAP Compliance Before Device Purchase or Resupply

    If you’ve received a new PAP device to treat your sleep apnea in the past 12-18 months, you likely have a device that can be enabled to wireless transmit your usage data to your smartphone, your physician, your medical equipment provider and even your health insurance company. Why? How? What does this mean for patients and their … Կարդալ ավելին »

  • Frequently Asked Questions Image

    We answer ALL your Sleep Study Related Questions

    If you’re reading this blog, odds are, you’re looking for more information about sleep and sleep disorders. That’s good news for you, because the goal of this blog post is to give you an answer to ALL of your questions relating to sleep apnea, sleep studies, and the treatment that you can get afterwards.  (Seriously, … Կարդալ ավելին »