El blog del sueño

  • 3 Ways to tell if it’s Time to Schedule a Sleep Study

    Did you know there are currently over 10 million cases of undiagnosed sleep apnea in the United States? If those with the condition go untreated, they are facing a huge list of additional diagnoses including heart attack, stroke, obesity, diabetes and heart failure. Today, Advanced Sleep Medicine has provided three quick and easy ways to … Seguir leyendo "

  • Contact Pressure Sores: 3 Reasons Why You Get Them and What You Can Do

    Contact pressure sores are usually associated with those who are bed-ridden, but this painful condition can also happen after using a CPAP mask. Not only is it highly uncomfortable, it can also interfere with your sleep apnea treatment. Today, Advanced Sleep Medicine Services is going to offer three common reasons why contact pressure sores happen—and … Seguir leyendo "

  • Medicare Has Changed the Rules for Sleep Centers – We’re Ready!

    Medicare has issued new rules for sleep centers in California, Nevada and Hawaii requiring accreditation by a national accrediting body effective June 5, 2017. The new rules, announced only last month, dramatically change the landscape for sleep centers. Many sleep centers are not accredited or may not meet the accreditation standards, and for new applicants the accreditation … Seguir leyendo "

  • 10 Biggest Myths About Sleep Image

    10 grandes mitos sobre el sueño

    1. Cuanto mayor te haces, menos horas de sueño necesitas. Los expertos en sueño recomiendan entre siete y nueve horas de sueño para el adulto medio. Aunque los patrones de sueño cambian con la edad, la cantidad de sueño que necesitamos no suele hacerlo. Las personas mayores pueden despertarse con más frecuencia por la noche y ... Seguir leyendo "