El blog del sueño

  • Toilet Image

    Is Urinating at Night a Sign of a Sleep Disorder?

    here are few things more annoying than waking up at night, warm and comfortable in your bed, with the overhwelming need to use the restroom. By the time you get back to bed, after stumbling to the bathroom, turning on the lights, and flushing the toilet, there’s no chance of you getting back to sleep.  … Seguir leyendo "

  • Woman Sleeping Image

    Sufficient Sleep Improves Libido in Women

    Decreasing libido, or decreasing sex drive, is a common problem in women. In fact, one estimate is that almost 1/3 of women between ages 18 and 59 suffer from a low sex drive. It’s normal for women to experience fluctuations in libido, and such dips can be caused by anything from stress to changing hormones. But according … Seguir leyendo "