El blog del sueño

  • Pediatric Sleep

    What You Need to Know About Pediatric Sleep Disorders

    To some people’s surprise, children experience sleep disorders just like adults. In fact, around fifty percent of children will experience some form of sleep problem. The earlier the discovery of a sleep disorder, the better the health and behavioral outcomes will be. Here’s everything you need to know about the most common sleep disorders that … Seguir leyendo "

  • ESS

    The Epworth Sleepiness Scale: What does this mean for you?

    Just how sleepy are you? When asked how they are, people often have the same variety of responses. These include an often dishonest fine, tired or stressed. Many people have an undiagnosed sleep disorder or have a lifestyle that gets in the way of quality sleep. More than one-third of Americans do not get enough … Seguir leyendo "

  • Hypersomnia

    Descubrir la verdad sobre el hipersomnio

    Todos hemos tenido sueño en algún momento del día, incluso hemos estado muy cansados, pero para algunos se trata de un trastorno grave. Puede que la hipersomnia no sea tan conocida como nos gustaría, por eso hemos querido difundirla para que todo el mundo conozca esta afección. Siga leyendo para ver ... Seguir leyendo "

  • Pediatric OSA

    Catching Z’s: Sleep Apnea in Children

    Although there are some differences, small children, like adults, can experience sleep apnea. Pediatric obstructive sleep apnea occurs when your child’s breathing is blocked, either partially or fully during their sleep. While many adults are able to quickly and easily feel the effects of sleep apnea, it can be harder to diagnose in children. If … Seguir leyendo "

  • School

    It’s Back to School Month! Should Your Child Be Following a Sleep Schedule?

    It’s a parent’s favorite time of year and hopefully an exciting time for your kids as well. Amid the busyness of preparing the essentials your child needs for school such as fall clothes and supplies, one important back to school item that shouldn’t be forgotten is establishing a healthy routine for your children. An essential … Seguir leyendo "