El blog del sueño

  • Teen Falling Asleep Doing Schoolwork Image

    Top 5 Things You Should Know About Your Child’s Sleep as the School Year Starts

    How Much Sleep Does My Child Need? The National Sleep Foundation updated their recommended sleep duration guidelines for all age groups in 2015 based on an expert panel’s comprehensive review of published scientific studies on sleep and health. Ranges are given instead of a hard number for each age group. The experts acknowledge that there is individual … Seguir leyendo "

  • The Skinny on Weight Loss as a Sleep Apnea Treatment

    Can weight loss cure sleep apnea?   There are clear connections between sleep apnea and other diseases such as diabetes and heart disease that are improved with weight loss.  How does weight loss affect sleep apnea? While studies have shown that losing weight decreases the severity of this sleep disorder, its may not completely eliminate the need for CPAP.

  • How Will Telemedicine Change How Sleep Disorders are Treated?

    Telemedicine was a hot topic at this year’s Sleep conference, a joint meeting of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine and the Sleep Research Society, in Denver, Colorado. Telemedicine has been embraced by primary care physicians in rural areas who struggle to arrange for specialist consultations for their patients who have limited access due to the cost … Seguir leyendo "

  • Adult Man Frustrated with CPAP Mask Image

    What Are the Side Effects of Using CPAP?

    CPAP is the only treatment that is 100% effective for treating obstructive sleep apnea, but a lot of patients struggle with using the device properly and using it every night. CPAP works by blowing air into the air way to keep the airway from closing at night (this closure is called an apnea, learn more … Seguir leyendo "

  • Inspire Normal Breathing with Inspire Original Image

    Answers to Your Questions About Inspire Upper Airway Stimulation Therapy

    In this guest post, Dr. Eric Kezirian answers your questions about upper airway stimulation therapy with the Inspire device.  Positive airway pressure therapy (whether CPAP, BPAP, APAP, or another form) is the first-line treatment for obstructive sleep apnea (see the image of an obstructed airway to the right).  However, some patients cannot tolerate or sleep comfortably … Seguir leyendo "

  • ¿Qué es la terapia de estimulación del nervio hipogloso para la apnea del sueño?

    While CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure) therapy is the gold-standard therapy for obstructive sleep apnea, we know that it isn’t easy. Barriers to compliance with CPAP therapy include the discomfort of sleeping while wearing a mask, having air blown through your airway all night, the inconvenience of traveling with a CPAP machine and the cost of the … Seguir leyendo "