El blog del sueño

  • One Trick for Not Overeating This Holiday: Get More Sleep!

    This time of year is known for its mouth-watering main courses, delectable sweets, and generous portions. With Thanksgiving behind us and the Christmas season in full swing, the temptation to overeat—or to eat treats high in fat and sugar—is looming. Surprisingly, the easiest, most stress-free way to avoid weight gain might not be exercising or … Seguir leyendo "

  • People on Cell Phones Image

    Utilícelo o piérdalo Sus prestaciones sanitarias pueden expirar a finales de año

    Sabías que si no utilizas todas las prestaciones de tu seguro médico este año, las pierdes para siempre? Es posible que ya hayas alcanzado tu deducible para 2016. Si es así, puede beneficiarse de gastos de bolsillo más bajos (o nulos) para servicios médicos como estudios del sueño, PAP o suministros (infórmese sobre la cobertura del seguro para... Seguir leyendo "

  • Veterans Increased Risk of Sleep Disorders Image

    Veterans with PTSD are at Higher Risk for Sleep Disorders

    PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) manifests itself in many ways. The symptoms of PTSD aren’t limited to distressing memories and emotional trauma. In fact, a large body of research has shown that veterans suffering from PTSD are at increased risk for a host of sleep disorders.  The complex relationship between anxiety, breathing problems, hyperarousal, and intrusive … Seguir leyendo "

  • Understanding Your Sleep Study Results

    If you recently had or ordered a sleep study to test for sleep apnea, the question foremost in your mind is probably what your results have to say about your sleep health or the health of your patient. However, unless you know what to look for, your sleep study report may seem more perplexing than informational. Here … Seguir leyendo "