Tipos de estudios del sueño

There are multiple types of sleep study that can be useful in identifying potential sleep disorders. Some of these studies are best when conducted from home, others require you to to visit a specialized facility to conduct on in-center sleep study. Advanced Sleep Medicine Services specializes in conducting in-center sleep studies, but we can also serve as your resource to understand home sleep studies. Learn more abut the different types of sleep studies by reading posts in The Sleep Blog.

  • Sleep Test

    ¿Le conviene someterse a una prueba del sueño en el centro o en casa?

    Whether it was your doctor, significant other, friend or yourself that suggested you may have a sleeping disorder, you have made the decision to have a sleep test performed and you won’t regret it. This is a significant step in taking control of your health and happiness. Sleep disorders are a growing epidemic and impact … Seguir leyendo "

  • Sleep Test

    Why You Should Do a Sleep Test: At Home or In-Center

    Many who suspect they have sleep apnea don’t seek treatment due to common misconceptions about what a diagnoses entails. With either choice, it is a simple test. It records your pulse, breathing, movement and oxygen levels. The two different tests a person can choose from are either an at home test or an in-center test. … Seguir leyendo "

  • sleep

    In-Center Sleep Testing Isn’t As Scary As You Thought

    Many people may wonder if they have sleep apnea, but dismiss the thought because of misconceptions about sleep testing. It is estimated that 26 percent of adults between the ages of 30 and 70 have sleep apnea. And yet, many go untreated and untested. The consequences of untreated sleep apnea are serious. The ramifications can … Seguir leyendo "

  • 3 Ways to tell if it’s Time to Schedule a Sleep Study

    Did you know there are currently over 10 million cases of undiagnosed sleep apnea in the United States? If those with the condition go untreated, they are facing a huge list of additional diagnoses including heart attack, stroke, obesity, diabetes and heart failure. Today, Advanced Sleep Medicine has provided three quick and easy ways to … Seguir leyendo "

  • Home Sleep Testing vs. an In-Center Study: Which is best for you?

    Many people suffering with sleep disorders are wary of sleep testing because of the inconvenience (discomfort) of spending the night in a sleep center. In-center testing can also be cost prohibitive, especially with the rise in insurance plan co-pays and high deductibles.   Fortunately, HST—home sleep apnea testing—is providing an increasingly convenient and comfortable alternative … Seguir leyendo "

  • ¿En qué consiste la prueba de la narcolepsia?

    ¿Sabe que se trata de una enfermedad grave? Se calcula que la narcolepsia afecta a 1 de cada 3.000 estadounidenses. Y vivir con esta enfermedad es todo un reto. Es posible que haya oído hablar alguna vez de la narcolepsia o que recuerde a un personaje de película que se queda histéricamente dormido mientras camina. A nuestro padre favorito de la tele, Homer Simpson, le diagnosticaron narcolepsia en el estreno ... Seguir leyendo "

  • Do I HAVE to Spend the Night in the Sleep Lab? Is Home Sleep Testing right for me??

    What is Unattended Home Sleep Testing (HST)? Rather than spend the night in a sleep center to determine whether or not you have a sleep disorder, unattended home sleep testing, or HST, in growing in popularity. Many physicians and health plans prefer this option to in-lab sleep studies because they are more convenient for patients … Seguir leyendo "