Apnea del sueño

  • 10 Biggest Myths About Sleep Image

    10 grandes mitos sobre el sueño

    1. Cuanto mayor te haces, menos horas de sueño necesitas. Los expertos en sueño recomiendan entre siete y nueve horas de sueño para el adulto medio. Aunque los patrones de sueño cambian con la edad, la cantidad de sueño que necesitamos no suele hacerlo. Las personas mayores pueden despertarse con más frecuencia por la noche y ... Seguir leyendo "

  • As Claims of Sleep Apnea Rise, More Vets Receive Diagnosis & Treatment

    Since 2009, the number of veterans’ claims for sleep apnea has increased by over 150%, USA Today reports. The surge in reports of sleep apnea can be attributed to growing awareness of the condition, according to officials of the Department of Veterans Affairs. This disorder is becoming increasingly recognized as a serious health concern, which … Seguir leyendo "

  • Does My Dog Have Sleep Apnea?

    Sleep Apnea in Pets You may be surprised to learn that dogs, like humans, can suffer from sleep disorders, including sleep apnea.  While snoring is sometimes just innocuous nighttime noise, it can also be a warning sign for an underlying problem. Sleep apnea can be pretty serious for your pooch. The most severe cases can result in death, … Seguir leyendo "

  • Man with Diabetes Testing His Blood Sugar Image

    The Link Between Sleep Apnea and Diabetes

    The American Diabetes Association estimates that nearly 30 million Americans live with diabetes. Even more concerning, diabetes is the 7th leading cause of death in the U.S. The condition can be caused by an autoimmune problem, where the body attacks the cells in the pancreas that produce insulin to keep blood sugar levels in check. This … Seguir leyendo "

  • Sleep Duration Guidelines Image

    10 de las cosas más importantes que debe saber sobre el sueño

    La Fundación Nacional del Sueño celebra su Semana Anual de Concienciación sobre el Sueño © del 6 al 13 de marzo, para concienciar sobre los beneficios del sueño para la salud y su importancia para la seguridad y la productividad. Hemos recopilado una lista de las diez cosas más importantes que debe saber sobre el sueño. Más información y concienciación sobre el sueño ... Seguir leyendo "

  • ¿Cómo afecta la apnea del sueño al corazón?

    Sleep apnea can be frightening for the people who experience it as well as their partners, who watch as their slumbering companions suddenly stop breathing, choke and wake, sometimes dozens of times an hour. The worry is well-founded, because sleep apnea is more than a disturbance at night. Studies have shown that obstructive sleep apnea … Seguir leyendo "