Sueño y salud sexual

  • Woman Sleeping Image

    Sufficient Sleep Improves Libido in Women

    Decreasing libido, or decreasing sex drive, is a common problem in women. In fact, one estimate is that almost 1/3 of women between ages 18 and 59 suffer from a low sex drive. It’s normal for women to experience fluctuations in libido, and such dips can be caused by anything from stress to changing hormones. But according … Seguir leyendo "

  • Hypersomnia Image

    Erectile Dysfunction and Sleep Apnea

    In the United States alone, 22 million people suffer from sleep apnea–a statistic so seroius that the CDC has called sleep disorders a “public health epidemic“. At the same time, an estimated 18 million American men struggle with erectile dysfunction. Now, the medical community is coming to realize is that the prevalence of these two … Seguir leyendo "

  • Pregnancy Test Image

    Infertility and Sleep Disorders: A Proven Link

    If you’ve been trying to conceive a child without success, no doubt you’ve heard much advice regarding how to increase your chances: weight control, cutting down on alcohol and caffeine, or using an ovulation calendar, to name a few. But there’s another, frequently overlooked barrier to conception: sleep deprivation or a sleep disorder in either … Seguir leyendo "

  • Two Beds with Pillows Image

    Treating Sleep Apnea Makes You Better in Bed

    Research you can’t ignore: Untreated sleep apnea increases erectile dysfunction in men and loss of libido in women. Treating sleep apnea can improve sexual function and sexual desire in men and women. We know that lack of sleep, daytime sleepiness, restlessness and snoring can put a strain on relationships. With as many as 20 million Americans … Seguir leyendo "