Más información sobre el sueño

How much do you know about the way you sleep? Advanced Sleep Medicine Services is here to serve as your resource so you can better understand the importance sleep plays in our lives, how sleep disorders impact your sleep, and what you can do to get more sleep every night. Read through these posts in The Sleep Blog to learn more about sleep.

  • Watching Television While in Bed Image

    Ver la tele en la cama: el hábito común que echa a perder el sueño

    ¿Ve la televisión antes de acostarse? Lo más probable es que sí. Según la encuesta Sleep in America de 2011 realizada por la Fundación Nacional del Sueño1, 95% de las personas utilizan un dispositivo electrónico a menos de una hora de acostarse. 2/3 de las personas de entre 30 y 64 años y la mitad de las personas de entre 13 y 29 años ven la televisión dentro de la hora ... Seguir leyendo "

  • Get your “Beauty Sleep”: Sleep Makes you More Attractive

    Step 1 in your new beauty routine: hit the sack earlier the night before! Research has proven that a good night’s sleep makes you look healthier, happier, and–yes–more attractive. “Beauty Sleep” isn’t just a silly cliché–it is backed up by solid evidence. This is especially important for people who suffer from sleep apnea, because studies have … Seguir leyendo "

  • Snoring vs. Sleep Apnea: Which is it? (Guest Post)

    It’s normal to snore occasionally – perhaps when you are suffering from a cold or after you’ve had a few drinks at a party before going to sleep. But what if you, like millions of Americans, snore regularly night after night? Are you suffering from a debilitating sleep disorder that can significantly affect all aspects … Seguir leyendo "

  • Hypersomnia Image

    Hipersomnia: Somnolencia constante

    En un país en el que 1/5 de los adultos no duermen lo suficiente, estar cansado parece la norma. En nuestro último post, hablábamos de los peligros de la falta de sueño. Pero, ¿y si sigue cansado a pesar de dormir lo suficiente, o incluso más de lo normal? Esta condición de estar constantemente somnoliento y quizás ... Seguir leyendo "

  • Sleep Deprived Man Image

    The Dangerous Effects of Sleep Deprivation

    We’re pretty sure you don’t need us to tell you about the causes of sleep deprivation. Not getting enough sleep is a prevalent, nationwide problem. Everyone has felt sleep-deprived at one point, and 1 in 5 adults regularly does not receive enough sleep1.  But what are the real effects, to your body and mind, of not … Seguir leyendo "

  • Toilet Image

    Is Urinating at Night a Sign of a Sleep Disorder?

    here are few things more annoying than waking up at night, warm and comfortable in your bed, with the overhwelming need to use the restroom. By the time you get back to bed, after stumbling to the bathroom, turning on the lights, and flushing the toilet, there’s no chance of you getting back to sleep.  … Seguir leyendo "