Más información sobre el sueño

How much do you know about the way you sleep? Advanced Sleep Medicine Services is here to serve as your resource so you can better understand the importance sleep plays in our lives, how sleep disorders impact your sleep, and what you can do to get more sleep every night. Read through these posts in The Sleep Blog to learn more about sleep.

  • Sleep Awareness Week 2017

    Sleep Awareness Week 2017

    What is National Sleep Awareness Week? Sunday April 23 through Saturday April 29, 2017, is National Sleep Awareness Week. National Sleep Foundation (NSF) designed the annual National Sleep Awareness Week to incite, inform and engage the public, as well as advance NSF’s mission to improve health and well-being through sleep education and advocacy. This year’s theme … Seguir leyendo "

  • Lady Yawning Driving Vehicle Image

    How to Survive the First Week of Daylight Savings Time

    As clocks moved forward this Sunday, the abrupt loss of one-hour sleep can have significant effects on all of us.   An adequate duration and quality of sleep is necessary for optimal health and daytime function. The effect, this past Monday morning, is similar to each of us experiencing a one-hour jet lag moving eastward. The time … Seguir leyendo "

  • How Can Pink Noise Help You Sleep Better?

    A good night’s sleep is important for maintaining good health throughout your entire life. Consistently waking up feeling rested and refreshed can impact everything from your physical and mental health to your overall happiness. For many, achieving a restful night of sleep can be difficult. In the United States alone, more than 40 million people … Seguir leyendo "

  • Goodnight Smartphone Image

    Un nuevo cuento para adultos le recuerda que debe eliminar las distracciones y crear el ambiente adecuado para dormir bien.

    Se ha demostrado que leer a los niños aumenta su vocabulario y está relacionado con el éxito académico, la creatividad y un mayor vínculo entre padres e hijos. Leer antes de acostarse es una rutina para muchas familias, un momento para bajar el ritmo, tranquilizarse y prepararse para dormir. Buenas noches, luna, escrito por Margaret Wise Brown e ilustrado por Clement Hurd, ... Seguir leyendo "

  • One Trick for Not Overeating This Holiday: Get More Sleep!

    This time of year is known for its mouth-watering main courses, delectable sweets, and generous portions. With Thanksgiving behind us and the Christmas season in full swing, the temptation to overeat—or to eat treats high in fat and sugar—is looming. Surprisingly, the easiest, most stress-free way to avoid weight gain might not be exercising or … Seguir leyendo "

  • Sleep Technician Hooking up a Child for Sleep Study Image

    La verdadera razón por la que lo llaman el turno del cementerio...

    Quería empezar esta semana con un post realmente cálido y difuso sobre lo agradecidos que estamos por nuestros tecnólogos del sueño. Los llamamos técnicos nocturnos. Cada mes de octubre, la Asociación Americana de Tecnólogos del Sueño celebra la Semana Tecnológica del Sueño para reconocer a los tecnólogos que desempeñan un papel vital en los centros del sueño de todo el país. ¿Quién realiza ... Seguir leyendo "