Terapia CPAP

  • AirCurve™ 10S with HumidAir Image

    Cobertura de seguro para PAP binivel

    La terapia PAP (presión positiva en las vías respiratorias) trata la apnea obstructiva del sueño introduciendo aire a presión en las vías respiratorias para mantenerlas abiertas durante la noche mientras se duerme. La PAP puede reducir o eliminar por completo la apnea del sueño (más información sobre cómo funciona la terapia PAP aquí). Existen pruebas significativas de que el tratamiento de la apnea del sueño con terapia PAP mejora la calidad de ... Seguir leyendo "

  • Child Using a CPAP Machine

    Would a Child with Sleep Apnea Need CPAP?

    CPAP is the gold-standard therapy for adult patients with obstructive sleep apnea. It is the most effective therapy, when used properly, at reducing or eliminating apnea events. CPAP therapy has been shown to prevent and even reduce the negative effects that sleep apnea can have on the body, including increased risk of death from heart problems. … Seguir leyendo "

  • Displeased Man Image

    ¿En qué grado cubre el seguro la CPAP para la apnea del sueño?

    El paciente padece claramente apnea del sueño, pero no es lo bastante grave como para que la compañía de seguros cubra la terapia. ¿Por qué? Desgraciadamente, existen diversas opiniones sobre cómo se diagnostica la apnea del sueño y cuándo la CPAP es la terapia adecuada. Principalmente, la diferencia está entre cómo Medicare (CMS) y la Academia Americana de Medicina del Sueño (AASM) definen un diagnóstico ... Seguir leyendo "

  • Man Holding Hand over Chest Image

    Does CPAP Save Lives?

    A study published this month in the New England Journal of Medicine tested the effects of CPAP therapy on heart disease.  Positive Airway Pressure devices, called PAP, deliver pressurized ambient air through a delivery system (tubing and mask), to eliminate apnea events during sleep. PAP, including CPAP, BIPAP, Auto-PAP, and ASV-PAP, is the most effective treatment for … Seguir leyendo "

  • The Skinny on Weight Loss as a Sleep Apnea Treatment

    Can weight loss cure sleep apnea?   There are clear connections between sleep apnea and other diseases such as diabetes and heart disease that are improved with weight loss.  How does weight loss affect sleep apnea? While studies have shown that losing weight decreases the severity of this sleep disorder, its may not completely eliminate the need for CPAP.

  • Adult Man Frustrated with CPAP Mask Image

    What Are the Side Effects of Using CPAP?

    CPAP is the only treatment that is 100% effective for treating obstructive sleep apnea, but a lot of patients struggle with using the device properly and using it every night. CPAP works by blowing air into the air way to keep the airway from closing at night (this closure is called an apnea, learn more … Seguir leyendo "