Alternativas a la CPAP

CPAP is the gold-standard therapy for sleep apnea, but it doesn’t work for everyone, all the time. Whether you need an occasional alternative- for travelling or camping- or just cannot tolerate CPAP therapy, there are options!

  • Inspire Normal Breathing with Inspire Original Image

    Answers to Your Questions About Inspire Upper Airway Stimulation Therapy

    In this guest post, Dr. Eric Kezirian answers your questions about upper airway stimulation therapy with the Inspire device.  Positive airway pressure therapy (whether CPAP, BPAP, APAP, or another form) is the first-line treatment for obstructive sleep apnea (see the image of an obstructed airway to the right).  However, some patients cannot tolerate or sleep comfortably … Seguir leyendo "

  • ¿Qué es la terapia de estimulación del nervio hipogloso para la apnea del sueño?

    While CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure) therapy is the gold-standard therapy for obstructive sleep apnea, we know that it isn’t easy. Barriers to compliance with CPAP therapy include the discomfort of sleeping while wearing a mask, having air blown through your airway all night, the inconvenience of traveling with a CPAP machine and the cost of the … Seguir leyendo "

  • New Year, New Sleep Devices

    Sleep disorders, such as snoring and apnea, are more than just a nuisance – they can be related to many health risks. This is why effective and timely treatment is vital. Constant Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) still remains the most successful treatment for sleep apnea. While patients often complain about its inconvenience, it helps them breathe through the night and get … Seguir leyendo "

  • ¿Es la CPAP para siempre? El futuro del tratamiento de la apnea del sueño

    Many patients find the idea of having to wear a mask to sleep every night to be daunting. Fortunately, the field of sleep medicine is changing quickly, in ways that are making treatment more accessible, convenient, and patient-friendly. Most excitingly, better and more comfortable treatment options are being developed that could replace CPAP entirely–even as … Seguir leyendo "

  • Snoring vs. Sleep Apnea: Which is it? (Guest Post)

    It’s normal to snore occasionally – perhaps when you are suffering from a cold or after you’ve had a few drinks at a party before going to sleep. But what if you, like millions of Americans, snore regularly night after night? Are you suffering from a debilitating sleep disorder that can significantly affect all aspects … Seguir leyendo "